The Suitcase was originally written to be a live performance storytelling piece, and was going to be performed for the first time at the Alden Biesen International Festival of Storytelling in Belgium in March 2020, but the pandemic happened, and so I decided to transform the piece into an audio story. I would like to thank everyone on the list below (in alphabetical order) who helped. I am very grateful.
I couldn't have done this without your valuable help and input.
Shilpa Baliga
Manú Bartlett
Elise Bath – The Wiener Holocaust Library
Jenny Beacraft
Anna Bugno
Sam Bunyan
Carlos A.Cabrera
Peter Chand
Jan Clayton
Emilie Delcourt
Sarah Delcourt
Lehla Eldridge
Jonathan Glanzberg
Wojtek Heydel
Alex Heydel
Anne Heydel
Tony Hodgson
James Humber
Nicky Huntingford
Ewelina Knurek
Julia Landes
Anthony Landes
Jo Marvel
Gavin Millar
Janice Nepon-Sixt
Hania Niedzielska-Kepinska
Isabella Petith
Lucy Radcliff
Raphael Rodan
Mary Roscoe
Basia Slomka
Christina Somkowicz
Renia Świdrygiełło-Świderska
Emma Sottardi
Sarah West
Joshua Zamrycki

A huge thank you to my two children George and Marina who have had to put up with their mother over the several years it has taken me to process, write and record the Suitcase. Oh, and tolerating the hours of me staring out of the window.
And of course thanks to David Brock who saved the suitcase from being burnt.